Friendly Mission is a passionate and determined team working to provide food, safe shelter, and spiritual support to all homeless men and women who are willing to work towards ending their homelessness. People like you, giving anything you can, will help us in our mission and prove that we can be unstoppable together.
Your donations are more than just passing transactions. They are full of impact and goodness. With every donation we receive, we have the opportunity to offer help, healing, and most importantly restoration to the homeless here in Savannah.
When you make a donation to Friendly Mission, we want you to feel connected, invested, and eager to know more about what we do. Here’s what you can expect when you donate:
- Financial Donations:
Financial donations help us in various ways. Transportation and sack lunches are some of our smaller expenses with the mission houses being our larger investments. Any financial donations are used to support these items among other things within our mission. We are a non-profit organization. All donations are used to further the mission.
- Clothing and Furniture Donations:
The Friendly Mission thrift store accepts donations of gently used clothing and furniture that may be used for resale. Each donation is checked into the back room and then immediately placed on the main floor to earn money. Donations can be received Monday through Saturday during the business hours of 10 AM – 5 PM.
Join us as we endeavor to help the homeless here in Savannah! God bless you.